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Just Published in the Daily Independent -- "Interfaith Families Discuss Chanukah, Christmas Cel

Interfaith families discuss Chanukah, Christmas celebrations

Posted Saturday, November 9, 2019 6:00 am

By Roger Ball

Twitter: @RogerBallNews

Many families have both Jewish and Christian members. Sometimes the differences are through marriage and at other times due to religious conversion.

Residents of senior communities dealing with multiple generations frequently manage how best to celebrate Chanukah and Christmas—honoring both traditions without offending anyone.

This year Chanukah runs from the evening of Sunday, Dec. 22 until the evening of Monday, Dec. 30. Christmas Day will be Wednesday, Dec. 25.

Rabbi Dana Evan Kaplan is inviting all members and friends who share these and related concerns to meet and share in discussing them Sunday, Nov.17, 3-5 p.m., at Temple Beth Shalom, 12202 N. 101st Ave, Sun City.

The event is free to all who are interested. Those attending are asked to call 623-977-3240 by Nov. 13. Refreshments will be served.,112824

We had a wonderful panel and group discussion today. Fay H coordinated the entire program with remarkable aplomb.

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